Hi all,
To add to this story. When the South African Government went open 
source, Microsoft offered free software to all the schools. All that was 
needed was to fill in an application form. That fact was widely 
publicised. However, what was never publicised was the fact that very 
few schools, if any, received it.

However, the Linux community managed to lash back in a very big way. 
Mark Shuttleworth, bless his soul, sponsors the tuxLab program through 
the Shuttleworth Foundation whereby schools are given free computer 
labs. This started in the Western Cape and has expanded to my stamping 
ground, the Eastern Cape. So now it is headed for the interior of the 
country and is being rolled out in Johannesburg and the surrounding 
areas. It has also been earmarked for Nepad, so it will be rolled out 
all over Africa very soon.

Also, Freedom toasters are being rolled out right across the country, 
which allow you to burn the distro of your choice at no charge.

So, here at least Microsoft are getting a run for their money.

By the way, should anybody be interested in the complete tuxLab 
installation software, I am sure I can make a plan to get it there or 
place the iso's on a download site. I liase fairly closely with the guys 
from the Shuttleworth Foundation.



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