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>>>>> "Gora" == Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Gora> [snip]
    Gora>  Again, we will have to agree to disagree. You are quite
    Gora> right about colleges preferring a brand-name, ideally a
    Gora> corporate one. However, I see no reason to encourage this
    Gora> attitude. While we do have to work with the college to
    Gora> overcome ingrained prejudices, it will not be just the
    Gora> student that the college hears it from, but also respected
    Gora> members in the community.  It is possible that we are
    Gora> misunderstanding each other on this issue. I do not have
    Gora> problems with corporate involvement, except when the project
    Gora> itself starts coming under a corporate banner. To give you a
    Gora> concrete example, I have no problems in partnering with
    Gora> Redhat or Novell, I just do not want this to be the
    Gora> Redhat-ILUGD mentorship program. I also do not care if we
    Gora> are not succesful at attracting corporate funding. There are
    Gora> other avenues for funding, and, when it comes down to it, we
    Gora> cut our shirt to fit the cloth.  Finally, I do appreciate
    Gora> your comments, even though we might not share
    Gora> opinions. While we might have strong opinions in certain
    Gora> areas, the ultimate proposal is, of course, going to be a
    Gora> consensus one.

Great to see such a lively discussion going on about mentorship.  But
don't you think we can wrap up the finer details as we go along?  I
don't see any fundamental difference of opinion about the project
between Gora and Gami here except maybe regarding corporate
partnership, and that too is not an immediate concern -- corporates
aren't exactly queueing up to partner, are they? :)

Let's take the proposal and fine-tune it.  Perhaps we can schedule an
IRC meet in a couple of days where those in Delhi can congregate, meet
up online with those who aren't, and everyone interested can give
their comments.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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