i would like to add few more points while designing a NAS solution

1.writing of data on to HDD should  be fast enough, at time when you are
mounting central storage on multiple server the concurrent NFS operation
makes it very difficult and the write on the box slows down e.g netapp uses
wafl filesystem (or for that matter all NAS storage uses the same way of
writing through cache) which does the writing of data from cache. Your
solution should be based on using the cache to the maximum for both read and
write. I have seen xfs,ext3 going down in the load condition.

2. You will have to check the boot time of your NAS box and it should be
under control there are NAS boxes ( i would not put the name here, but you
can easily find it out) which takes 15-20 minutes to boot. The box should be
able to boot in 3-4 minutes even if it a abnormal reboot.

3.you should benchmark your NFS box for NFS operation not I/O operation on
disk. You may get good I/O on disk but may not be able to get good NFS

4.The redundancy of storage array should not be limited to RAID5 because now
the storage capacity of individual disks are going high (500GB SATA, 300GB
SCSI and FCAL are in the market) you should be able to handle dual disk
failure in the same RAID group lets say you have 14 disk RAID group and your
one disk failed and rebuilding is going on (which will take some time as the
capacity is more) and during that time if your second disk also fails then
your whole of the RAID volume will go offline, you should have dual parity
kind of solution.

5.NAS solution should be modular i.e i should be able to add storage and
processing both e.g if i am handling n NFS operation using one NAS header
today with NTB storage and tomorrow if i want to increase my NFS operation i
should be able to add more processing (NAS header to the same storage) and
lets say i don't want to increase the NFS operation but i want to add more
storage i should be able to do that as well and that too "on the fly"
because if my box is in production i cant shut it down.

May be there are other things also can be considered and included but that
is all i could put down off hand.

When ever you are ready with your NAS solution i could be a good customer
for you :). also read on onstor while designing the solution.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of ramana
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:15 AM
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Subject: Re: [ilugd] NAS idea

Mithun Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- ramana  wrote:

>  By the way, there is nothing like 'lack of resources' and there is
> nothing like you can not beat world top b-school bean counters in
> business systems -- if you have that desire.

I am hoping you have been encouraging in in your email :).

As for targetting business users - I am not against it but I would
prefer to first see what hurdles I encounter in the proof of concept.

I agree running a business is a different ball game but then I can also
see that there is ample scope for starting one considering the
competition in India is almost non existant because of the price

Yep. I am encouraging you and I speak positively.

 Your last point is the best one.

 India is still not touched in many areas and I see many times whenever I
step outside. People who has the courage can take advantage of this.



mail: ramana at intraperson dot com

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