On 1/15/06, Manish Malik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sudev Barar wrote:
> > I am trying to find the init command for Nokia CDMA (I believe it is
> > same for GSM/CDMA) handset. ATZ does not initialise the phone. Google
> .
> says 'ATZ' should work. Which device are you trying it with?

Thanks Manish for the link.
I have tried few Nokia models with DKU5 cable. Everytime I get NO
CARRIER error in my /var/log/messages. I have tried various init
strings but in the end same results.

Pointers anyone? Of course Reliance says my phone is activated for
internet but support is only avaiable for windows. Problem is I do not
have any windows machine to test out if this thing is working under
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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