in infinite wisdom Raj shekhar wrote:

>My 8 bits of gyaan this
>- You need to run apache to run svn
Why you need apache to run svn?? its a option if you want to browse your 
repository by http or not or use svn protocol clients.  Tortoise svn 
client is enough to do anything and all repos maintaing can be done by 
cmd line programs. I have used both CVS and SVN, i found maintaing CVS 
repos is much more tedious and complex to handle than SVN.

SVN is simpler to setup, maintain and lots of plugins available 
mod_svn,mod_dav_svn,pthon_svn, libapache2-svn etc

>- I keep hearing (no first hand experience) the berkely db where it 
>keeps the metadata keeps getting corrupted, though on the flip side 
>there are utilities to repair them.
We are using svn with berkeley db svn setup for last more than 2 years 
and never came across such problem though you have option to choose fsfs db.

>svn tried to make a better cvs, but they have failed on many counts.
May be some points, but personally, svn is superb i would say when you 
compare with CVS.


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