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From: praveen pn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 1, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: [ilug-goa] Google to develop new OS

 Rumors that Google plans to encroach on the desktop turf of Microsoft
flittered around the Internet on Tuesday.
 Apparently, the chatter sprang from a Jan. 20 Financial Times story,
which reported that Google was working on switching its in-house
computers over to the Linux operating system. According to the story,
Google is developing its own version of Ubuntu, the software suite
developed by tech entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth.
 That in of itself is no big deal. Scores of companies have swapped
Microsoft for Linux.
 And there was nothing in the FT story that indicated Google planned
to sell its Linux system, known internally as Goobuntu, to the public.
Nonetheless, a story in The Register on Tuesday hinted that Google
could do just that.
 "It's possible Google plans to distribute it to the general public,
as a free alternative to Windows," wrote Register writer Ben King.
 Google representatives were not available for comment, but the
company has in the past denied such rumors.
 Speculation that Google was eyeing the desktop space has circulated
for months. The search company recently released a package of desktop
tools, including Google Talk, Google Desktop, Mozilla Firefox, and
Trillian instant messenger.

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