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Raj Mathur wrote:

> I hereby invoke the First Rule of ILUGD and thank you for volunteering
> for (a) setting up the web-based reporting format and (b) making CDs
> with documentation!  We can always do with help on the infrastructure
> side!

Raj being a true pain-in-the-posterior keeps poking me on #linux-india
on this. The reply to his mail was long overdue so here are some scribbles.

A mentor is a coach/guide thus the notion would be to provide guidance
on how to contribute to Free/Open Source stuff. I might be way wrong
here so read on and bear with me...

The mentorship initiative should include (but not be limited to):

o A hands-on project that allows for explicit contribution to Open
Source development. This includes submission of work/content into
upstream CVS
        o Guidance on submission process
        o Introduction to Project Development Lifecycle
        o Introduction to Project Packaging
o Guidance on tools and toolkits to use while conceptualising projects
        o Mailing Lists
        o IRC channels
        o Project Repositories
        o Project Hosting details
        o QA Tests and QA TestScripts
        o Bug Triaging Tips
        o Patch writing and Patch creation
        o Packaging and Package Management (for various Package Managers)
o Providing inputs on how to produce FOSS software
        o Enhancing existing software
        o Making Feature Requests
        o Tracking Feature Requests
o Providing an insight into the various means and tools used in FOSS
o Enabling interaction with developer community (both in India and abroad)

Thus, the introductory CD could contain:

o A selection of writings from FSF and OSI that capture the philosophy
and the *ism of the movement
o Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution (1st edition)
o Producing Open Source Software : Karl Fogel
o CVS Manual
o Subversion Manual
o Linux Command Reference (command based guide for those who are coming
in new)

Flames welcome :)

- -Sankarshan

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