> Am running Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) on a Compaq Armada E 500 laptop. The
> hibernate option is enabled, some times after restarting the computer
> from this hibernated position all I get is a blank screen. I can access
> alternative login prompts using the Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2 etc keys) and can
> login but when I try startx command it says X session is already
> enabled. Using the Ctrl+Alt+F7 Key I can go back to the session that was
> supposed to come out of hibernation but its still a blank screen.
Try "sudo pmi action sleep from command line (assuming that you are in
sudo'ers file) Does this recover session properly when re-started? I
find sleep better that hibernation.

> So what can I do to figure out
> a. Why this is happening.
Is acpi working properly on this hardware? Or ??? Settings of xscreensaver???

> b. If I can login using an alternate prompt are there tools I could use
> to stop the main session and restart another session.
You could "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" But this should not be needed.

Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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