> Well after thinking that the problem was solved and needing to run
> fsck  I cam across the same probblem.
> 1. The offending folders (now up from one to 2) were sourced from a
> USB Disk - 256 MB Capacity.
> When we load the disk and try and check its size in properties the
> size continues running upto 2.3 gb and then it slowly creeps up.
> I tried to delete it from the USB Disk it said permission denied ,
> I chmod 777 'ed the entre disk and was operating from sudo - and then
> tried to delete it it simply refused.

It makes it difficult to try to debug a problem online, unless you 
describe the source of the problem in complete enough detail. Also,
let us attack one thing at a time, i.e., lay aside the permissions
problem for now. As the problem seems to originate with the USB disk,
let us first try to tackle it there, and do one thing at a time. Mount
the USB disk (if there are any warning/error messages while mounting
it, please list these), and show me the following for the contents of
the USB disk:
1. The output of "ls -ld <dir>", where <dir> is the directory in
   question, i.e., some sub-directory of /media/usb, or wherever
   Ubuntu mounts a USB drive.
2. The output of "ls -l <dir>" for the same directory.
We will take it from there.

> So If I run fsck , what precautions should I take - and how should I
> go about it.

Don't run fsck anywhere, for the moment. That might or might not be
a solution.


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