> I apt-get installed ufraw, a tool to process raw images created using
> a digital camera.
> It worked fine once -
> after that i get the following error message
>   ufraw
> (ufraw:16083): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib
> (ufraw:16083): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers

The above two messages are irrelevant, and should not affect the
functioning of the program. What is probably happening is that
you are using some Indian language locale that is not supported
by X. You should be able to get rid of these by using the English
language locale, e.g., with
   env LANG=en_US ufraw

> *Floating point exception*
> ****
> When I use the command line to open an image using ufraw it accesses
> the 
>     image and when i do a save it just goes blink and i get the 
> "floating point exception message"
> what should I do to figure out whats wrong.

That sounds like a bug in the program. You should file a bug report.
They sill probably need some information from you that could be
provided by running ufraw with strace,
  strace ufraw
The messages at the end will tell you where ufraw is crashing. It is
difficult to guess why it was working earlier, and does not now.
Could have to do with the image file format, size of the image, etc.
Another possibility is some mis-configuration. You could try removing
any configuration files, maybe saved as ~/.ufraw*, and trying again.


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