--- Manish Popli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have configured sudo login for few users..and i dont want to create
> any kind of log (waht ever they are doing admin task with sudo login)
> for sudo users in /var/log/message  and  /var/log/secure.....can i
> disable loging for sudo users  and for some normal users in linux ??
                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Don't
follow what that means.

Google is your friend for many such questions. Please take a look at
the main sudo page at http://sudo.rtin.bz/sudo/sudo.html, in particular
the man page for /etc/sudoers at
http://sudo.rtin.bz/sudo/man/sudoers.html (look at the "logfile"
string, and the --with-logging=file).
  You should probably also reconsider turning off logging of commands
run with sudo. With that, if something does go wrong, there is no way
to trace what happened. Rotating logs, or cleaning them out semi-
automatically is a better option, in my opinion.


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