Hi Dear

Uptill the extent i have worked on knoppix i found it runs very well on
machine once chosen as to be right for any time you need it.So don't
think for the reliability of that kind of Project.

The major thing to think about is whether the project people wherever is
this to installed will work continously because once shutdown or
restarted the data or any critical information stored on Postgre will be
lost; u need to revive again the entire thing..

So anything about knoppix once started & it is up & running on a machine
i think it can run for any time till u don't expire(don't mind).even i
have worked with a m/c running knoppix continously for around 2.5 days
without any shutdown & restart and entire data of mysql & PHP was there
even after 2.5 hrs.

For Installation of knoppix on a m/c (Knoppix 3.2) : "knx -hd install"
similarly Knoppix 3.6 has a command like : "knx......" (use tab u will
get to know the command)

Learning Starts With Learning and Ends in Learning Too.

Neeraj Arora
Dealing With WIN-LIN Solutions

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:39:58 -0800 (PST), "Nitin Chandra"
> Hi Every one 
> I have a Question to ask and if some one is
> experienced in it, then please do shed some light on
> this topic.
>  a user wants to use knoppix on a project that
> involves a postgre based software to be used over lan
> with 5 to 10 clients; similar setup at over 100
> locations;to be connected together in future.
> What are the chances of this succeeding while knoppix
> gets selected over any other distro ?Can knoppix
> (installed on hard disk) give this service efficiently
> ? What can be the pitfalls and problems that can be
> expected? is it something worthwhile doing ? or is it
> a failure even before it started?
> Thanks 
> Reg
> Nitin
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