On 02/04/06, Mr tirveni yadav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Come on people do not hold back. Apathy from
> > community is one reason
> > that this is happening. Some including Raj and
> > Devdas spoken their
> > minds. We still need to do some thing.
> >
> > Of course as I, and some others have discovered, the
> > MCA's site feed
> > back form will only work with IE...version??? Now is
> > firefox also to
> > be abandoned? Here we have EU fining M$ for monopoly
> > and GOI actually
> > participating in creating monopoly??
> >
> action plan to do something:
> 1.use snail mail if necessary.
> 2.arrange a meeting  between minister of mca &
> representatives of lug.
> 3.create awareness about the issue outside the
> community also.
> 4.create signature campaign(or something of the kind)
> with companies affected.
> 5.file a PIL with supreme court.

Triveni, in parlance of ILUG-D you have been volunteered. You are
nominated to take lead to active culmination of the steps outlined.

1. Can ILUG-D provide a place to collate all information being
generated on the issue?
2. Once arguments and counters and opinions by Gurus reaches a bt
further we can then take steps above.
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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