Hi Abhinav,

abhinav sahai wrote:
> hi all,
> i have installed fc4 on a machine. i have configured all the settings
> of the lan card but when when i try to activate it i get an error::
> SIOCSIFFLAGS:Invalid Argument
> Failed to bring up eth0
> and then exits. what does this mean and how do i activate the eth0 
> connection??

Make sure your NIC is properly inserted in the slot (if it is inserted in any)
because, sometimes when it is incorrectly inserted it can be identified by the
OS, but OS can't communicate with it properly.

Next, do "dmesg |fgrep eth0", it will print your NIC's info, make sure it is
correct. Or you can try inserting other similar looking drivers into kernel. You
can list of net drivers available by default by:

-- begin command --
ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net
-- end command --

Make sure there is no IRQ conflict, you might try changing slot (if there is any
) or tweaking BIOS settings.

Ashish Shukla
आशीष शुक्ला alias "Wah Java !!"

All that looks C00L is not necessarily validable.

                               -- Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"

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  • Re: [ilugd] act... आशीष शुक्ला \"Wah Java !!\"

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