Hello everyone,
  Here are the minutes for the annual general body meeting of
ILUG-Delhi, that was held at the JNU Bio-Informatics Centre on
the afternoon of Sun., July 9th:

1. The introductory address by the president, Raj Mathur.
   explained what the meeting was about, and introduced
   the current set of office-bearers.

2. The treasurer, Kishore Bhargava, presented the accounts
   for the last financial year, and these were approved.

3. Kishore also presented the list of achievements for the
   previous year, which included:
    (a) The formation of the ILUG-Delhi society.
    (b) Organisation of the Freedel event.
    (c) Application to be part of the UNDP-APDIP IOSN network
        (http://iosn.net), which was turned down by the UNDP.
    (d) The initiation of a student mentorship program in FOSS,
        which is just starting off with the joint workshop being
        conducted by ILUG-Delhi, and the JNU Bio-Informatics
        Centre. We have discussed further efforts in this area
        with the National Resource Centre for FOSS (NRCF), and
        might soon formally apply for partnership with their
    (e) While ILUG-Delhi did not formally participate in Linux-
        Asia, 2006, we used the occasion to organise informal
        meetings between the Delhi FOSS community, and luminaries
        like Klaus Knopper (of Knoppix fame), and Mark Shuttleworth
        (of Canonical/Ubuntu). The freewheeling meetings, and the
        subsequent dinner were a great success.
    (f) A two-day workshop was organised at RKGIT in Ghazaiabad.
        Several students of RKGIT are active participants in
        ILUG-Delhi, and related activities.
    (g) We participated in the Compufest held at Jamia Milia

4. The issue of membership renewal was mooted, and a motion was tabled
   to increase the society membership fees to Rs. 100 for a year, plus
   an one-time registration fee of Rs. 100. This was later amended to
   allow for the waiving of the registration fee for bonafide students,
   as verified by a valid school/college ID. All present registered as
   members, adding Rs. 1800 to the ILUG-D kitty. Please do remember that
   you need to renew your membership for the current year.

5. Elections were held, and the following people have been elected to
   posts in the society:
    President          Raj Mathur
    Vice-president     Andrew Lynn
    General secretary  Gora Mohanty
    Joint secretary    Nikhil Prabhakar
    Treasurer          Kishore Bhargava
    Member #1          Devapriya Chaudhury
    Member #2          Gaurav Mishra

6. The following special items of business were discussed:
    (a) It was tentatively decided to hold Freedel 2007 on the 16th
        and 17th of September, at JNU. An auditorium holding 250 people
        can be provided for the seminar track, and three labs can be
        made available for tutorials, hands-on sessions, and lightning
        talks. While stalls can be made available for sponsors, which
        they can also use for publicity, JNU has a policy against
        corporate sponsorship banners. However, sponsor logos can be
        part of banners announcing the event. A Linux install-fest,
        as part of the event, was considered, but was decided against.
        A formal letter from ILUG-Delhi will be sent to JNU, requesting
        permission for the event. A meeting to plan for Freedel will
        be held the coming Sun., the 16th, with details to be posted to
        this mailing list.
    (b) The JNU bio-informatics workshop was discussed, and the
        following mentors were chosen:
          Raj Mathur
          Tirveni Yadav
          Kishore Bhargava
          Gora Mohanty
          T. Meyarivan (Mary)
          Sirtaj Singh Kang
        and, possibly (depending on his availability)
          Supreet Sethi
    (c) The possibility of having a technical support organisation for
        FOSS was discussed, as also the starting of a paid training
        program to educate students in system administration and
        programming. The idea is to have a self-sustaining, scalable
        setup that caters only to non-profit organisations rather than
        being entirely commercial. While there was some discussion on
        this, it was decided that it needed to be more carefully thought
        through, and discussed at a separate meeting.
    (d) An idea was put forward of putting together a list of qualified
        FOSS personnel, vetted by ILUG-Delhi. The aim is to provide
        local businesses ready-made points of contact for their FOSS
        needs. After quite a bit of discussion, it was agreed that what
        could be done immediately was for ILUG-Delhi to charge local
        companies for interviewing applicants for FOSS jobs listed at
        these companies, and narrowing down the list to a set of well-
        qualified people.



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