> Open Source companies to the campus (IBM,RedHat or even the google) or

by making them sponsor some events...

These companies wont support events that dont have a proven track record of
attracting audience. As lead organizer for swatantra @ VIT for which even
RMS was here.. we couldnt get much in terms of sponsorship from any big
companies. You should look out for small peripheral manafacturers who
support linux. We had one from chennai who was involved with LTSP.

Or you could approach Kalculate for sponsoring prizes etc.

Redhat didnt even support Linux Banaglore 2005.. sorry foss.in which was one
of the best linux shows i have evr attended.

So keep ur aspirations realistic, and try and build a brand of ur expo
first. The reason why something like IITB Techfest attract sponsors is
because its a brand now, it has sureshot eyeballs and footfalls. And work on
it starts almost 10 months in advance.

Please help us...
> Note:Technical festival is for all the branches of B.E allover India.
> We do not have much experience in attending Linux
> conferences/seminars/workshops anywhere.

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