Raj Mathur wrote:
>>>>>> "Suresh" == Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Suresh> Raj Mathur wrote:
>     >> - Vipul's Razor - Pyzor - DCC - Any other tools - Commercial
>     >> blacklists - Any other commercial service
>     Suresh> Chatting with a few SA developers ..
>     Suresh> 1. SURBL / URIBL
> I understand SURBL is automatically enabled in SA 3.x (as long as the
> networks checks are enabled).  Will push URIBL in.

uribl in sa-3.x is surbl.

I've also found MailScanner's checks to use useful, along with clamav's 
phishing test's.

> cbl.abuseat.org
> relays.ordb.org
> list.dsbl.org
> sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
> dnsbl.sorbs.net
> dnsbl.njabl.org
> is currently in.  Haven't had too many issues with false positives, so
> I guess I can only add to this list, no need to delete.

I tend to score rbl /dnsbl's very very low - so the more the better :)

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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