"Linux Lingam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> [snip]
> OTOH,  how  does the  nokia.co.in  website  cope  with gnulinux  and
> opensource tools? i  find parts of its site  not entirely compatible
> with my ubuntu cocktail. these are the sections where a lot of flash
> and custom-coding is used, say in the sections on the Nokia N 71 and
> N90  and 91  series. even  some of  the popup  rollover  menus don't
> populate with entries elsewhere.

How do you reach *any* location from the home page? None of the drop
down menus have text for me. 

> i  also find  browsing the  web problematic  over gnulinux  and free
> software, as several sites that use the latest flash, or the latest

That is a problem with creators of the websites. I simply avoid buying
products from people whose sites do not display properly on my system.

> quicktime or mediaplayer files, don't work properly. sure, i do have
> flash installed here, but the LATEST flash, quicktime, and mediaplayer
> files are a problem.

> finally, anyone had  any luck making a personal copy  of a DVD movie
> for themselves? the  kind that has region-encoding and  a lot of DRM
> locks and  keys? i haven't even  attempted this yet,  even though by
> fair-use rights i can make my own personal copy.

If you want to create your own DVD, you can always use lxdvdrip.

say `apt-cache show lxdvdrip' from CLI.

 Mahesh T. Pai <<>> http://paivakil.blogspot.com/
DICTIONARY, n.  A malevolent literary device for cramping the
  growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic.

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