On 9/18/06, Rocker !!! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> my friend just made a blunder. he installed fc5 on his system. then
> mounted the fat drives in /mnt/sda1... to /mnt/sda5
> then i dunno why he deleted all te sda folders in the mnt directory.
> and that resulted in his losing all his data in the fat partitions.
> is there any way he can recover that data? it would be of great help
Hi Abhinav,
simple delete should be pretty easily recoverable until nothing else
is written on to the disk. on FAT there is not journalling so your
friend is kinda lucky.
most files will seems something like ~omename.ext(if your original
file name is "somename.ext")
all you need to do is replace the tilde.
I have not used photorec (gcsecurity.org) though it claims to do the same.
Hope This Helps


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