in infinite wisdom Vaibhav Singh spoke thus  On 10/05/2006 07:29 PM:
> Hello members,
> I have edubuntu 6.06 on my system.
> 1.) I am learning php therefore i have installed apache2.0 through synaptic
> on my system together with php. My working directory is /home/webapps/ , now
> when i execute my pages through  http://localhost/webapps/index.php or any
> other html file i get a error "you donot have permissions to view this file
> ".

give the 'ls -al /home/webapps/index.php' and 'ls -ald /home/webapps/' . 
  My first guess is that the  /home/webapps/ is not owned by the apache 
user (www-data in case of ubuntu/debian systems).  chow these 
directories to the group www-data and then try.

raj shekhar
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