On 11/2/06, Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sudev Barar wrote:
> > Interesting read at http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420
> >
> > How to convice our Government babus that the road being followed by
> > them is not the best use of tax payers money? But then probably it is
> > wrong for me to expect babus to have any sense in spending taxpayers
> > (my) money.
> >
Things are'nt that simple. Its not babudom which resists adoption of FOSS
but its "Resistance to Change", which resists adoption not only of FOSS, but
many other required changes as well. Things are beginning to change and I do
see a silver lining, but when will that happen, if at all, is any ones
guess. There continue to be areas where there are no significant offerings
from FOSS ecosystem, lending an application or two to be from the
proprietary world. (Any match for AutoCAD, MS Project, Pagemaker/InDesign
for Indic Languages?)

Why Babus only? I think situation is largely similar at most BSE-50 /
NSE-50 Private Sector Commercial companies.  I think its time that we in the
community constitute a SIG: Special Interest Group to devise means and dwell
on issues concerning FOSS adoption in corporates. Many issues are easily
doable - Awareness and debunking Myths for one, Training and Exposure
modules, Vendor Development etc

Further there is a strong need to somehow influence the school system to
expose the new generation to FOSS.

Anand Shankar
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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