Blame Kudzu for all this. That's what was/is broken in RHEL4.
You haven't mentioned which Update you're using. The latest Update release
should have it fixed.


Yashpal Nagar wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a Redhat Enterprise linux 4.0 with two NICs on a DL320, 32 bit
> arch HP server.
> Problem is every reboot the interface eth0 flips over to the other
> physical interface and then i have to physically  move the cable to
> other interface.
> I get the following on console.
>  Nov  8 12:29:40 servername ifup: Device eth0 has different MAC address
> than expected, ignoring.
> What i have tried:
> 1. By specifying the HWADDR keyword in ifcfg-eth0 but no luck.
> 2. i have also tried putting BOOTPROTO=none and placing the
> /sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:0B:CD:4E:31:C1 in /etc/rc.d/rc/local
> and then restart the network interface as told at
> but still same problem.
> The both NIC is NetXtreme BCM5702X Gigabit Ethernet.
> Any pointer/hack would be highly appreciated.
> Regards
> Yashpal

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research."
"The great are those who achieve the impossible, the petty are those who
cannot - rrs"

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