  These are the minutes or a meeting to discuss several interesting
proposals before ILUG-Delhi. What started out as a management committee
meeting ended up with a sizeable attendance of LUG members. Present
were Sudev Barar, Nikhil Prabhakar, Ipsita Mishra, Kishore Bhargava,
Andrew Lynn, Tirveni Yadav, Raj Mathur, Kapil Dua, Friji Karthikeyan,
and Vivek Iyyer, as well as Atul from LFY (hope I did not miss anyone).

  The following items were discussed:
1. Left-over work from Freedel 2006: Collection of sponsorship money,
   and payment of bills.
2. ILUG-D participation in Linux-Asia 2007: We have been contacted to
   be a partner in LA2007. Besides various benefits that are being
   discussed for ILUG-D attendees, we will also get to organise the
   technology track, with a total of 12 slots available for speakers
   invited through ILUG-D (this is besides 6 keynote addresses from
   sponsors). A final decision on our participation will be made
3. We are going forward with a proposal from NRCF to have ILUG-D
   participate in teacher training in Northern India. The first
   such session will be at Jaipur, and involve 3-5 people.
4. We are finally moving forward on the oft-discussed possibility of
   having an ILUG-D support organisation that caters to open-source
   for non-profit institutions. This will start off immediately by
   supporting JNU systems. A brainstorming session for how to go about
   putting together such an organisation is scheduled for this Sun.
   More details on this in a forthcoming mail from Kishore.
5. Finally, we talked about how to handle the left-over work from the
   BIC workshop, and came up with a plan of action.

Here are the pending action items:
1. Meet with LFY: Wed. Kishore, Sudev, maybe Raj.
2. Support organisation: Kishore to send out mail about Sunday session
3. BIC workshop coding:
   CVS, and dot-project setup: Sun., 10/12. Raj Mathur.
   Project outline with to-do lists, and milestones:
     Sun., 10/12: Circulate draft. Gora.
     Wed., 13/12: Set up on dot-project. Gora.


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