
I'm trying to setup an IPv6 network in my LAN. Right now I'm able to test 
connectivity in my network using link-local and site-local address, but now I 
want to setup a DHCPv6 server in my LAN to allow autoconfiguration of address.

Is there anybody who has setup DHCPv6 server ? I'm reading RFC 3315 but things 
like DUID, IAID, multiple addresses are confusing me. So, is there anybody who 
can point me to a good resource.

I'm using the DHCPv6 server available at http://dhcpv6.sf.net/ .

I'm running Fedora Core 6.

Ashish Shukla
Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"
आशीष शुक्ल

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