On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 12:32 +0530, rahul wrote:
> This is shocking. What promises are we talking about here? we offered
> everything that was minuted in the minutes of the meeting?

Well, I am glad that you are shocked, because so were we. We were
promised complete participation in choosing speakers for the technical
track, and were met with a fait accompli list of speakers that was
circulated without input from our side. I must say that your follow-up
letter was much nicer, and had much more room for cooperation, but the
original style of functioning in choosing speakers left a bad taste, and
an apprehension that ILUG-Delhi was just being pulled in to give a
community stamp to an already choreographed event.

  For the record, I was originally very much in favour of participating
in LA2007, but became one of the most vociferous opponents after the
fiasco with the speakers. The goal of cooperation is not irretrievably
lost, in my opinion, but there needs to be a lot more openness from the
side of LFY, and a lot more ongoing collaboration with the LUG, rather
than only when Linux Asia rolls around.


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