Ah. Took me sometime to realise that bosslinux is your baby.

Now, where do I discuss thing about it?

I  have  some  suggestions  like  removing  'contrib'  and  'non-free'
sections  (since they  are likely  to  be misused  in an  organisation
without  you)  and  replacing   them  with  something  like  'server',
'desktop', etc.

And a download link to the sources. ;)

Apologies for top posting; but I am not replying to what you said - I
accept your point.


> what is sarcastic about this? The function of a govt body is to
> develop proposals for government funding - and to spend the
> allocated funds under the allocated heads of account. That is how
> government works. And if you dont understand that, you cant work
> with government

 Mahesh T. Pai <<>> http://paivakil.blogspot.com/
REVOLUTION, n. An abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.

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