> >  Steve jobs suggests abolishing DRM in a recently
> > published article at apple's website
> >  more at
> > http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughtsonmusic/
> Bwaaahaahaa!

x 100

> When iTunes was the only DRM around, Jobs was pushing it down
> everyone's throat, to the extent that he threatened to sue PlayFair
> (a FairPlay cracking technology) which was hosted at Sarovar.  Now
> that MS seems to be well on the way to cornering the online media
> market and turning Apple into an also-ran, and a sorry one at that,
> suddenly Jobs sees the light and talks about abolishing DRM?
> Talk about hypocrisy!

bang on raj!

steve's hardware is also tightly proprietory. his inclinations towards
everything 'proprietory' start from the days he legally threatened
anyone from even unscrewing the mac casing open, circa 1984. all the
hardware specs, firmware, etc are still locked up. iTunes, iPod, and
even his music file formats are hallmark examples of DRM. his
wonderful software for video compositing, 'shake' was actually an
initial, promising GPL software. google, and you can't find much
traces of the initial work either....
to his credit he's offered openEXR fileformat to the world, and some
of his stuff on Darwin and the apple open licenses got endorsed
eventually by the FSF.
but he needs to make friends with the EFF more than the FSF, since at
this moment, his business models are around what they disgustingly
call 'content', and that too other people's 'content'.


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