Hi! all,
  I attended recently concluded foss.nitc in Calicut.
Conducted in fluctuating weather of Kerla, foss.nitc
was hosted inside beautiful NIT Calicut campus, few
kilometers away from civilization. 
 A fun filled event wich coincided with Holi. Pretty
decent turn out on first day (approx 300+) and bit
sloppy one on second day due to Holi. There were some
really interesting talks and several fun filled
 It turned out to be an interesting mix of people from
different corners of country getting together to speak
on foss. 
 Event started with formal lamp ligting ceremony and
formal opening on 2nd March evening. Opening was
follwed by two talks and tasty dinner (for speakers). 
 Like any foss event foss.nitc too had its share of
confusions. Thanks to goof up by printer while
printing the schedule on paper, audience, speakers and
even the organizers were confused about the schedule.
This guys managed to delete some talks and print wrong
timings for lunch. 
 Amid all these confusions, organizers managed to keep
audience interested in talks. Hard work of volunteers
could be seen everywhere as they tried there level
best in taking care of every minute details. Like any
foss event, there were some talks which pulled the
crowd leaving some speakers with less crowd. Here a
workshop on wiki's attracted 120 registrants forcing
NITC guys to break the workshop into two sessions.
 More deatils about talks can be obtained from
foss.nitc website as and when organizers find time to
upload the presentation files.
 So, I will use this opportunity to share some fun
filled moments on Holi day. A team of students decided
to turn up at the conference venue hunting for the
organizing head, who was runnin away from being soaked
in colour as he has to organize the event. The guy
called Amarjit was the most wanted person in the
campus as it will be clear from this video


Guy being looked for can be seen here

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414805383/

Some more Holi pics

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414792680/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414794879/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414797795/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414786375/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414802057/

 One interesting outcome was open paper airplane
desings. This started when Kushal das decided to make
a  paper airplane to kill time. THe airplane kept on
crashing, so I decided to bu fix it and make it fly.
Though there was some improvement but I decided to
reverse engineer the design to suit the paper quality.
Next thing we know everyone jumped into unconference
on Open paper airplane making and designing. The
outcome could be seen below

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414789969/

Here is other speaker getting involved in making paper


 Being human nature to experiment with things we ended
up having a stability contest which soon turned into
paper airlane attack. Some pics

 Somewhere in middle of all this fun, some speakers
were delivering talks and audience listening to them.
Good informative talks attended by pretty much
intelligent audience. 
 So, by this time if you were expecting a report where
details tie wearing "experts" talk would be available.
I have thoroughly disappointed you guys. Like any foss
event there were interesting talks and good speakers,
along with audinece who was willing to listen. (I know
it well because of questions being bombarded on me for
hours after my talk). Actually i was surprised to see
few people actually came prepared to listen to talks
and have tried there hands in the areas being talked

 Overall it was a good enjoyable experience. More pics
 Thanks to foss.nitc volunteer team for conducting
such a good event. Pic of all volunteers

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/414808851/

 Few of the volunteers i can recall

1) Amarjit Sigh (leading the army)
2) Basil
3) Sreedal
4) Feroz
5) Guy with specs, managing software lab (sorry could
recall your name)
6) Hari
7) Srikanth
8) Girish
9) Hari
10) Priyanka
11) Pritam
12) Shyam
13) Praveen A
14) Guy who kept on calling me "Vivek ji".
15) And the list continues

Ps:- for any technical details please contact
oraganizers :-)

 Looking forward for joining you guys next year.


Engineers normally have problem with every solution. If not they have  a 
solution in search of a problem.


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