Tux Coder @ Algorhythm '07 <http://www.csijmi.com/algo07/events.php> [image:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.csijmi.com/algo07/events.php>

... Linux is not user-friendly. It _is_ user-friendly.
It is not ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.

This event focuses on

   - Basic Idea / Philosophy regarding Linux/OSS (GNU, FSF) etc.
   - History of Open Source & Free Software
   - Interactivity with Unix/Linuv Platform (Basic knowledge from
   installation to administration)
   - Text editors (which are UNIX IDEs)
   - Programming tools: Shell Scripting, C, C++, perl , python,Java
   (command line tools ) etc.

Lots of LINUX T-Shirts, Dvds ,& Cash Prizes to be Won !!!!

In association with
 Tux CoderTimeVenuePreliminary RoundSaturday, 17th March 10:00 amClassrooms,
2nd Floor Final RoundSaturday, 17th March 3:30 pm - 6:00 pmComputers 2nd
Lab., 2nd Floor


No rules! Every one will define their own rules within some domain*.

Preliminary Round

   - The prelims will be based on the concept of the philosophy & history
   about open source, basic installation, utilities and tools available on
   UNIX/LINUX platforms.
   - A team can consist of at most two members.
   - The Prelims. Question Paper will consist of 50 questions within the
   given time (around 30 min.).
   The questions shall test your capability to interact with Linux
   - The Final Round Questions will be announced right after the prelims
   are over.
   - Total of 10 teams will be selected for the Final Round.

 Final Round

   - The Final Round consists of THREE level questions to be performed on
   - The evaluation will be done on the basis of user interface,
   functionality and applicability of the tool designed.
   - Those who will qualify in Level-I will get Level-II questions.
   - If someone wants to do Level-III directly, he will have to loose
   some marks for the same.
   - Some intersting hints/tricks will be supplied to those will crack
   the "Level" within (or before) the time.
   - These Levels will be inter-linked to each other in having a
   particular "Target".
   - The total time allotted is 2 hours.

 *Level-I:* Write a utility to search patterns from a file.
*Level-II:* Write a utility to search for all files in the given directory
containing a pattern.
*Level-III:* Write a pager ( like more/less ) to view the results page wise.
*Final Target:* Combine all the above tools and add an interactive interface
to search for a pattern from files.
The functionality includes navigating into the files using the interface
The evaluation will be done on the basis of test cases provided along with.
Time required, functionalities etc. will be the winning factors.

*Event Coordinators*
Akshay Gupta (9891258331)
Devesh Kumar (9350233280)

Contact event coordinators <http://www.csijmi.com/algo07/events.php#>

<http://www.csijmi.com/algo07/events.php>Register me to participate in Tux
Coder <http://www.csijmi.com/algo07/events.php>
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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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