I am using dovevot.

Thaks for your intrest and helping.. in advance

Siva Prasad

On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 Karanbir Singh wrote :
>Siva Prasad wrote:
> >
> > Hi finz,
> >
> > I need to implement quota on /var/spool/mail directory, to restrict the 
> > users from mail quota access.
> > Please suggest me with the best possible way to do that. I have installed 
> > OS with auto partitions.
> >
> > OS          :       Centos 4.4
> > Mail service        :       Postfix
> >
> > Please help me.
>postfix is the mta, are you serving this mail to usrs via dovevot or
>cyrus  ?
>Cyrus has builtin quota handling that works a lot better than filesystem
>    limits, also it lets you manage that using a sane(er?) interface.
>Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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