Hi Hemant, 

On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 hemant ritturaj wrote :
>Hi all,
>I am wokring with fedora core 4, I wanted to mount USB disk on my system.
>when it is plugged in to usb it doesnot automount but it shows the mount

Can you check if udevd is running :
$ ps -ax | grep udev

>point in fstab but when i try to mount it through user it gives a mount
>mount: can only be mount bt superuser

I'm assuming you don't want to do sudo everytime or add the user to 
/etc/sudeors list .

>I tried all the possible ways like putting it /etc/fstab then tried mounting

Try putting the following entry into the fstab's "options" column :
users, uid=<uid of the specific user>

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