
> How does this pact affect Linux?

Bad for Microsoft's FUD campaign against Gnu/linux.

According to groklaw, Dell purchased licenses for Suse enterprise
Linux from Microsoft, NOT from Novell.

That means, well, M$ is licensing the gnu/linux OS; which M$ cannot do
unless it conforms to the GNU GPL, which means the viral clause in GPL
applies to M$ patents!!!

In other words, M$ has licensed its so-called patent arsenal to
gnu/linux. (I am not longer a lawyer; this is not legal advice, and I
have not read the M$-novell-Dell pact.)

In Kerala, we have a saying - you will fall into the same pit you dug
for others. I guess this is what happened to M$.

I suggest that somebody who have enough money to go get a server
running SLES from Dell; double quick, with all the sources.

 Mahesh T. Pai <<>> http://paivakil.blogspot.com/
free -  (adj) able to  act at will;  not hampered;
       not  under  compulsion  or restraint;  free
       from  obligations or  duties; not  bound to
       servitude; at liberty.

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