
01. eben moglen on 51-minute interview on loksabha tv, sunday 6pm, 17
jun 2007. interviewed by paranjoy guha thakhurtha, with repeat
telecasts for 6 subsequent days at odd hours.

02. request from various people for explicit copyleft/verbatim/cc
license of broadcast.

03. below emails from me to eben+paranjoy with their responses.

04. request to all interested to a) spread the news. b) please email,
call, or write to bhaskar ghosh to release program, as well.



from niyam bhushan. 13 Jun 2007.

dear eben,

paranjoy informed me today you're on loksabha tv this weekend with 6
re-casts of your interview.

i have spread the news on various mailing lists, and the first
response from many:
they wish for your show to be under an explicit copyleft or verbatim
license so they publish it everywhere.

paranjoy informs me that is possible since loksabha is meant for the public....
all he needs is a formal request addressed to the chief executive of
loksabha tv.

could you please formally send a short email addressing this issue?


niyam bhushan


eben moglen. 13 Jun 2007

Yes, we will see that this is done.  Paranjoy, a printable signed copy
of such a letter will be emailed to you shortly; please send me the
name and contact information concerning the appropriate party or
parties.  Paranjoy has promised me that I will also be receiving from
him a copy of the broadcast on DVD, which we will make available ASAP
through in .OGG format under free license, so that
members of the community will be certain of its continued free

Best regards,


from paranjoy. 13 Jun 2007

Dear Profesor Eben Moglen

Please address your letter to the following person:
Mr Bhaskar Ghose, Media Adviser to the Speaker, Lok Sabha and Chief
Executive, Lok Sabha Television, Parliament House, New Delhi - 110 001


Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

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