On Mon, 2007-07-02 at 15:26 -0400, Justin Moore wrote:
> ??
> I've had a lot of great success recruiting from this list before, so I won't
> let your comments affect my feelings toward the talent on this list. It DOES
> matter for your tax purposes that you are working for an American company as
> a contractor rather than being taken on as an employee of an Indian company.
> We value our employees and contractors abilities and intelligence and always
> strive to give them enough information to make an informed decision. To all
> of you who have responded with Resume's and other inquiries, we would like
> to thank you for your submissions, and we will review your emails and reply
> shortly.

OK, that was a quite a reasonable reply to a somewhat snide remark on my
part. Thanks for the clarifications. I had thought that the implication
of your original message was that a American company was somehow
automatically better to work for, but from your follow-up I see that I
was jumping to conclusions.


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