  The annual general body meeting of ILUG-Delhi was held at
the JNU Bio-Informatics Centre at 2pm on Sun., 5/8. The
following items were discussed:
1. Ajay, and Amit Karpe of the Open-source cooperative
   (OSC) made a presentation on the venture that they are
   working on:
   (a) OSC works on extending the principles of the open-source
       movement to areas other than software, seeking to
       counter-act the dominance of single large players in a
       specific business area. They also aim to bring transparency
       in internal decision-making to both employees and
       customers, and to provide a fair share of company proceeds
       to their employees.
   (b) Currently, they are focused on:
       (i) Consumer retail
       (ii) Health care
       (iii) Procurement of material
       (iv) Provision of professional services, including in the
            domain of software
   (c) The professional services division seeks to put together
       a pool of talent in diverse areas, and to offer high-quality
       services to customers at a lower cost, because of fewer
       infrastructural and managerial costs. They have been
       functional for three months now, and consist of about 60
       employees (the number has been roughly doubling each month),
       some 100-odd freelance consultatnts, and about 25 small
       IT companies affiliated with them. They are focused on the
       following areas: e-governance, Linux support, an ERP
       implementation as an alternative to SAP services, animation,
       technical documentation, and virtual Walkthroughs. They are
       involved in setting up a couple of pilot projects for a
       Wi-Fi mesh in Pune, after doing a demonstration for HBCSE,
       TIFR in Mumbai.
   (d) They are looking for projects, employees, and even for
       people to critique their ideas. Please see the sites below:
         Homepage: http://osc.co.in
         Projects: http://osc.pro.in

2. The annual elections were conducted. After the withdrawal of
   Raj Mathur from contesting the post of president, various
   nominations, and no-shows, the following people were contesting
   various posts:
       President:        Gora Mohanty
       Vice-president:   Andrew Lynn
       Treasurer:        Kishore Bhargava, Dinesh Shah
       Secretary:        Gaurav Mishra
       Joint secretary:  Ashutosh Mishra
       Member (2 posts): Kishore Bhargava, Dinesh Shah, Tirveni Yadav
   The following people were finally elected, and are the new
   office-bearers of the ILUG-Delhi Society.
       President:        Gora Mohanty
       Vice-president:   Andrew Lynn
       Treasurer:        Kishore Bhargava
       Secretary:        Gaurav Mishra
       Joint secretary:  Ashutosh Mishra
       Member (2 posts): Dinesh Shah, Tirveni Yadav
3. The next meeting of ILUG-Delhi will be held on Sun., August 19th,
   where someone from Bangalore will be giving a presentation on
   Open Moko. Please watch for an announcement from Gaurav Mishra. 


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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