On 9/21/07, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The first lawsuit for GPL violation in the USA has been filed yesterday
> against Monsoon Multimedia, who were distributing busybox without
> making the source code available.

yup! it's a gpl2 violation, not a gpl3 violation.

>This appears to be primarily a
> precedent-setting action, [snip]..it would be a big step for GPL
> compliance in the US, and hopefully could also be used to get a
> precedent in India and other countries.

India? hehehee, YES. well, there's more to the story than meets the
eye, but anecdotal.

monsoon multimedia http://monsoonmultimedia.com/, also has an office
in india, right here in greater noida:

i reckon the said device, hava, was partly developed here in india,
but ymmv, esp given that they are on the agra express highway.

if there's anyone on the mailing list from monsoonM, would be nice to
hear your point-of-view...


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