>  The final email shows up
> correctly in KMail and Thunderbird with the image  being displayed
> after the disclaimer text, but not so in M$ Outlook. Well it comes as
> an attachment on M$ Outlook.

You might want to read the following blog post.

An excerpt:
"As I type this post I still can't believe it. I'm literally stunned.
If you haven't already heard, I'm talking about the recent news that
Outlook 2007, released next month, will stop using Internet Explorer
to render HTML emails and instead use the crippled Microsoft Word
rendering engine."

An easy solution is to simply send an email from Thunderbird with an
inline image and see if it opens properly in Outlook. If it does, just
view the source and make sure your python script is generating
*exactly* the same source. I've noticed that random stuff like not
putting angular brackets <cid:abc> around the inline part name also
causes some mail clients to barf.


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
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