Hi All,
I am looking for a laptop and the reason I am mailing it to list is - "ease
of Linux installation".
With my budget in mind I have many options, but after buying it I don't want
to bang my head installing Linux.
Any distro is fine with me although I am comfortable only with Fedora (as I
primarily work on RHEL).

What I have in mind is
    Processor: Core 2 Duo (1.6/1.8/2.0 GHz). How about AMD 64 X2, although
at few places I've read that Intel is better.
    Memory: 1-2 GB DDR2 (the more the merrier, but ... Rs. Rs. )
    Screen: Good (bright/glossy/better viewing angle) 15.4" (14" is too
small & 17" is too big) screen.
                  Don't understand other technical details about screens.
    HDD: 80 GB (and 120 GB of external USB powered HDD)
    Graphics: 256MB NVIDIA(r) GeForce(r) 8600M GT OR 128MB NVIDIA GeForce Go
8400M GS
                    Don't know for me what's better, I just copied from
Dell's website. Any other recommendation ?
    Audio: Decently audible
    Weight: Don't really matter as most of the time I'll be carrying it from
one room to another !!
    Networking: Definitely WIFI & bluetooth connectivity
    DVD: At least one ( ;-) ) DVD writer
    OS: Windows XP (no Vista). Better it comes without any pre-installed OS
as I'll take care of it later (of course, no piracy).
Don't know what else should I consider while buying a laptop.
With Ubuntu pre-installed I see only 14.1" screen available on Dell, so I
cannot have Dell with pre-configured Ubuntu :-(

    Entertainment - Movies/Songs/decent-to-good  gaming experience  graphics
for good gaming experience.
                              Don't want GREAT gaming experience as it will
cost me MORE (although would love to have, if it doesn't cost much).
    Internet surfing.
    Some time compiling kernel and other regular/not so regular stuff for a
Linux guy.

As it will be bought in US, my budget is around $1000 (want to buy it quick,
before $ appreciates ;-) ).

Also looking for a wireless broadband router (the cheaper, the better) for
easy connectivity through Linux too.
Would appreciate suggestion or recommendation of any kind.

Thanks in advance.
Vikas Upadhyay
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