On 12/10/2007, Gaurav Mishra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/11/07, Yadu Rajiv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Open source game development won't work.. but game development using
> > open source source software will.. let me give you my 2 rupees.. :D
> >
> Open source game development will not work if done in traditional game
> development style.
> But if we look int the money and resource inflow required to start a
> game development company , Open source game development will work ,
> Get a open source game modify it and market. :)
it would be 10x faster with dedicated machines.. and dedicated
people!! and a proper infrastructure.. all that ensures productivity
and will get the product goes out the door!!! im not saying that the
other option wont work..  but it will take its sweet time!! but sure
enough its not impossible..

> > to really modify the quake engine, or rewrite it and make games (like
> > what valve did with half-life) you would still have to license the
> > engine( you have to license it to sell your games as closed source..)
> The idea here is not selling the game binary , But marketing the game
> and making money out of that.
yes that is one idea.. but waise, they could've given out the hl
binary for free if they wanted.. lol

> > and + artists(graphic+music et al) are not programmers!! and asking
> > them to give away artwork is not as easy as u think it is..
> >
> Creative commons rules.

CC Rocks and rules!

> > basically, dev-ing games(that can stand shoulder to shoulder with
> > major titles) takes a lot of effort and money, even when you are using
> Why you want to do that, Let the major titles go around the world and
> make money, Let us focus on indian market.
what made you think i was talking about money? i was talking about
quality of the games!!!

> > OSS to dev it.. if you are rich enough and have the time, or just feel
> > like doing it, you can, but there is no profit there.. ( come on now,
> > don''t give me that look, you would still need some money to pay for
> > the electric bill! + food! )
> >
> yeah and  that is some money
oooh.. is that sarcasm?

im talking about a team of people dedicatedly working on a game and
nothing else.. no im not talking about hobby projects.. full time work
on a game.. don't you think it will cost at least some amount of

dunno why, but since i started talking on this thread, i have a
feeling that ppl think im on the other side of ur camp! srsly..  that
sux if it is so.. waise.. peace..

it was nice talking to guys.. ^^

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