On Sat, 2007-10-13 at 11:57 +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
> On Saturday 13 October 2007 10:51, Gora Mohanty wrote:
> > On Sat, 2007-10-13 at 00:01 +0530, vinay wrote:
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > +1 my side also.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > OK, as everyone seems to be in favour of it, we can organise
> > a Qualis or something, starting from CP, and going through
> > South Delhi, and Nehru Place en route to Noida. We will need
> > to start a sign-up to ensure that we have enough room in the
> > vehicle. Gaurav, can you make final arrangements with the
> > JIIT folk?
> Request: please make the sign-up on the Wiki, not on this list.

Good point. I was wondering how to handle this. I have created
a page to act as a parent for trip signups, at
(also linked to from the main page), and added the proposed JIIT
meeting at

Gaurav, please fix the time, make arrangements, and post details


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