On 10/30/07, Philip Tellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 30/10/2007, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > and linux-india.org recommended by kishore bhargava.
> I'd suggest just adding events to upcoming.org and tagging them with
> foss and india (optional).  I could write up a pipe that gets you all
> foss events in india from there as an RSS feed or JSON or possibly
> ical.  This can be imported into any site that wants to display it.
> We'll also have pretty maps ;)

i think this truly addresses and solves the problem.
then all LUGs can feed it into their sites, users can subscribe to the
RSS feeds, kenneth won't need a volunteer to populate the nrcfoss
sites, and well, the pretty maps are great for guys like me with no
geo-magnetic sense in my forehead.

so, the quick fox jumps over the lazy blue moon. :-)

between a choice for linux-india.org and the above site,
i vote for upcoming.yahoo.com with the pipe from philip.
what's your vote?

the only task left will be to prod everyone to submit upcoming or
planned events to upcoming.yahoo.com site.

one last question: the compiled info on the site/page. can we
specifically mention the cc-by or  cc-pd or other license or public
domain dedication to that compilation?


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
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