> Hello,
> I am planning to purchase a Compaque Presario Notebook V6608AU next week. It
> has AMD Turion 1.9 GHz processor, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M intergrated
> graphics with upyo 287 MB TAG, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, etc..  I would like to
> use  linux with it but I am not sure whether the graphics and other
> accessories will be compatible with Linux or not. If any one knows about
> this then please mail me back and assist me over this issue.

Somebody I know bought a similar machine (i do not remember the exact
model) but ubuntu feisty did have issues with wireless card (broadcom)
and display drivers (nvidia). The livecd will not start by

But with some effort this guy was able to install Feisty (64bit
version). I don't know how the new version of Ubuntu (7.10) or other
distributions will like the hardware.


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