On 11/1/07, Karthik Ramgopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 31 October 2007 09:15:24 pm
> wrote:
> > Re: Linux + AMD support
> Hi,
>      I own an  ATI Radeon X1800XT 512MB. When I bought it, it was kinda
> the
> flagship GPU. But sad to say, the ATI Linux experience has been very
> frustrating.
> 1. Installing and configuring xorg.conf with fglrx is a big headache.
> aticonfig doesnt set all options for me, and some I have to set Manually.
> 2. Surprisingly, some 7 drivers from 8.33.6 to 8.38.6 never worked on my
> card.
> I used to get a hung comp with Xorg eating 100% CPU. So, I was stuck on
> kernel 2.6.18 and finally got 2.6.20 working with a patch published by
> Phoronix for 8.32.5. We filed many bug reports as the problem was being
> faced
> by many ATI users. Although ATI never acknowledged our report, the problem
> was mysteriously fixed in 8.39.4.
> 3. All four driver versions since then have been a major disappointment.
> 8.39.4 just got my card running. 8.40.4 was fine but with broken Xv, and
> Textured Video. (Tearing of video)
> 4. 8.41.7 (Much touted new OpenGL codebase driver) gave me slow crappy 2D
> performance. Talk of slow window refreshing and minimizing (even with the
> normal X11 (no fancy XGL) ). Video tearing was also rampant.
> 5. 8.42.4 got me AIGLX. Beryl runs fine. But with very low framerates.
> Video
> playback is fine now (Xv no longer tears video). But surprisingly, I cant
> change any 3D settings in this driver in the Catalyst Control Centre.
> Compiz
> fusion has never worked for me with this driver, and I have slow scrolling
> problems in Firefox, windows with AIGLX enabled. So for now back to 8.40.4
> and XGL.
> Just waiting for the open source RadeonHD to mature. I am tired of AMD's
> promises and continually disappointing fglrx releases. So stick with
> Nvidia
> for now.

i am running out of luck these days.
the board that i was planning to buy (with geforce 6150 + nforce 430) got
out of stock 2 days back.
so now, wat i can get below 5k in ASUS is an M2A-VM (with ATI Radeon X1250).
i dont want to rely on my luck anymore and in no mood to try ATI.

Do gigabyte boards go well with AMD..??  becoz i am getting a lot of Nvidia
options in that.


GGSIPU, Kashmere Gate
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