Re Cannot upgrade ubuntu from fiesty fawn(7.04) to Gutsy
       Gibbon(7.10) (Vaibhav Singh)
> Hello Members,
> I am trying to update my UBUNTU but due to some bugs this hasn't been
> possible.
> The update manager says "Cannot download prerequisites" while being in the
> first step i.e. Preparing for upgrade.
> Please respond if you have any solutions or suggestions.

Go in for a fresh install if you compiled lots of packages in to the system.
Otherwise you must first update then upgrade .... and if it breaks in
the middle ... there are ways (see the Kubuntu forums). Adept froze
after downloading the whole set of upgrades in my 64-bit Kubuntu
system ... and saving the resulting system is a bit complex. An
upgraded system will be quite different from a freshly installed


A. Mani

A. Mani
Member, Cal. Math. Soc

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