On 12/11/2007, Yashpal Nagar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gaurav Mishra wrote:
> >  Since i left Delhi/NCR to start my work at Chandigarh, I would not be
> > able to work my duties as General Secretary anymore , Thus i am
> > requesting ILUGD managemnt commitee to accept my resignation and
> > appoint new General Secretary for ILUGD Society .
> >
> Oh, So you were General Secretary for for ILUGD, I never knew that ;)

Shows the unfortunate state of affairs. Everyone wants things to
function but not put in effort. Somebody will make that happen but we
do not who, No one wants to be that somebody.

Gaurav has put in lot of efforts with Gora (president in case you did
not know). I hope the next secretary is as energetic.
Sudev Barar

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