On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:14:14 +0530, मनीष

Ankit> >Can anyone tell me, how to get latest created file from a folder
Ankit> >to be used in shell script?

Bimal> you may also take a look at "find" command with "time"
> parameter, see "man find" for more details.

> You mean -mtime, -atime and -ctime options?  But this will also not
> give latest `created' file.  Let's hear from Ankit if he found what he
> was looking for.

 % cd $dir
 % ls -last | head -n 3

        Seems to work for me. If you want the output to be easier to
 parse, and to ignore . and .., use:
 % ls -t | head -n 1

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