Linux Lingam wrote:

> by the way, that ear-training tip really works. here's what i recommend:
> before you set out to buy any audio gear, spend about a week or atleast 21
> days with solfege, the gpl ear-training software. say about 30 minutes a
> day. you may spend more time if you wish. for those 21 days, pick up an
> acoustically rich piece of music as your reference point. listen to that
> piece at least twice or thrice every day until you can know every subtle
> nuance by memory. don't bother using highly-compressed mp3 or other
> file-formats. pick a pristine-quality wav file, or an original audiocd or
> audio-dvd. [i mean audio-dvd, not a data dvd crammed with hissy mp3 files].
> finally, discard the hypnotism of brand-faith and loyalty. take your
> reference musicfile, and go test the audio-gear. you'll always be startled
> at your choices. like me, you may just develop reverence and deep
> appreciation for one of the finest foss utility software i know out there:
> solfege. it's not just zero-price, but priceless.
> last week i spent 5 hours in various outlets with a friend, testing portable
> speakers for my mp3player. you gotta hear the stuff i brought home. no other
> customer in the shop was even glancing at it. the shop-manager was quite
> clueless about its capabilities. by the way, bought it so i could listen to
> some music in my room in bangalore, through next week. so those of
> you attending and interested to prick your ears to its sound, buzz
> me. you'd appreciate it even more if you muck around with solfege and have a
> reference file.

So which speakers did you finally end up buying? Thanks for the Solfege
tip. The audio bug bit me recently, and after quite a sharp learning
curve over a weekend I ended up buying gear whose brands I had not heard
till about a week before. I am planning to buy an additional pair of
speakers, and this is the kind of tip I was looking out for to make my

Niyam, keep posting audio related FOSS tips from time to time out here.
:) And yes, I will buzz you at too.


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