Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:07:38 +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:  
>> Could you point me to some good references which discusses the issues
>> FOSS purists find with Creative Commons, and which you find convincing
>> enough?
>         Foss purists? It does not advance your cause to use loaded
>  phrases like that; it implies you have much vitriol and little
>  substance to back your views.

It is not a loaded phrase. I meant it. I will explain my reason below.
It is up to you to take it in a negative manner or not, but it need not
be the intention I had. I should point out that idealists who do not
compromise on their values/intentions have always been admired (and
criticized) in history, and I consider DFSG purists to be admirable
idealists(RMS/FSF being another example that comes to my mind).

>         Debian does not consider these licenses as free. If you are
>  truly interested in why we think so, here is a reference:

Thank you for this reference. I had read the discussion before, but it
was good to read the authoritative source. I read this and other views
on the subject, and it helped me a lot to get the correct perspective.
My earlier (mis)conception that CC Attribution (versions before 3.0) was
similar to BSD/Apache, proved to be a bit out of place. It turns out
that ambiguity in terms of that licence could prove to be a problem in
real life cases.

>         Hopefully, version 3.0 of CC licenses will be free.  We shall
>  see how that goes.

Version 3.0 is out, and most of DFSG's arguments against CC-Attrib
(especially the ambiguous credit withdrawal clause) are reported to be
fixed. (I must confess I didn't read it myself. I have this strange
aversion to the EBNF-like licence legalese). Anyway, the only current
problem of debian-legal@ against CC is the anti-DRM clause and this is
where my point of ideological purism lies.

CC Attrib 3.0 still doesn't permit downstream versions to be distributed
under any device with DRM-like features. debian-legal@ insists that
there shall be absolutely no hindrances to downstream distribution,
including well-intentioned hindrances like anti-DRM clauses(their
arguments being fair-use situations like encrypted filesystems etc.).
CC's coalition partners insist that anti-DRM clauses should not be removed.

As an individual, I have every right to take my own position, and I
consider the current "stand-off" between debian-legal@ and CC really
sad. In my view both of them are on the same side, with similar intentions.

If I was a machine(or a lawyer), I would have said "Not DFSG compatible!
CC bad!". But I am a human, and I can make out intentions. If you take
the case of encrypted filesystems, whose right is debian-legal@
defending? People who break into other's hard disk and try to snoop on
others data?

DFSG is an excellent and noble document. But it currently cannot catch
these intention related issues. I would take it as my definitive and
serious guideline when confronted with FOSS values issues. But still
just as a guideline.

But again, please forgive my ranting about DFSG and [EMAIL PROTECTED] This
is just not restricted to Debian and DFSG. There have been similar
frequent issues with licence incompatibility in the FOSS world before,
explained very well at

In each such situations, it is upto the author to take a stand on what
his intention is, what his values are and what compromises he can live
with. Right now, I consider CC Attrib 3.0 to be my preferred licence to
share my photos, text and other content, and I would recommend other
like minded folks to do so, unless they are okay with the public-domain
licence(the free-er the licence, the better for the commons).

BTW, Yesterday wikipedia announced that "the Wikimedia Foundation Board
has agreed with a proposal made by the Free Software Foundation that
will permit Wikipedia (and other such wikis) to relicense under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license."

- Sandip

>> As far as non-"freeware" royalty free content is concerned it would
>> probably be better to stick to Creative Commons related resources, as
>> alternative FOSS licences are both not as popular and neither as
>> unambiguous. Just my point of view.
>         Th relevant issue when peaking in a free software context is not
>  whether things are no cost, but whether adequate freedoms are
>  associated with the work.
>         If all you care about is money,  then of course you are
>  correct.  If your interest is in freedom, then what you stated misses
>  the mark by a mile.

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