>  With all tata & reliance data cards/ usb modems.. there is voice+sms
> feature, which works only in the windows interface.. has there been
> any R&D into getting voice+sms working in Linux? or where to find more
> clues on how to use it or reverse engg. it?

SMS Server tools [1] works with existing GSM modems/phones, but the  
CDMA command set is different (No AT commands etc.) To make matters  
worse, it seems as if there is actually no standard at all, different  
manufacturers implement different command sets. There is document [2]  
that describes how the Nokia CDMA phones implement SMS functionality,  
it might be worthwhile to check if it works. I think you might use a  
program like minicom [3] to play around with the command set, as even  
the USB modems appear as serial devices thanks to the usb2serial  
kernel module.

As for voice, I expect that it would be a lot more complicated.


[1] http://smstools.meinemullemaus.de/
[3] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/minicom/

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