dear all,

> youtube with its flash and other properties may be avoided

been researching. found a highly-interesting article that explains it all.
found this paragraph the *most* interesting:

But there are other reasons besides to consider including Free
Software formats in your video publishing activities. Chief among them
is the fact that large corporate video sharing websites like YouTube
feature often unpleasant, ambiguous terms of service for those
uploading files to their servers.
Among others, Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin reported on the troubling
issues surrounding sharing your video through YouTube. She notes that:

    ''YouTube's "new" Terms & Conditions allow them to sell whatever
you uploaded however they want:

    "…by submitting the User Submissions to YouTube, you hereby grant
YouTube a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and
transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative
works of, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with
the YouTube Website and YouTube's (and its successor's) business… in
any media formats and through any media channels."

    Among other things, this means they could strip the audio portion
of any track and sell it on a CD. Or, they could sell your video to an
ad firm looking to get "edgy"; suddenly your indie reggae tune could
be the soundtrack to a new ad for SUVs. The sky's still the limit,
when it comes to the rights you surrender to YouTube when you upload
your video.''

With terms of service like these it really is worth thinking twice
before uploading your video to this proprietary, mega-corporate
hosting service. Sure, they have more videos and viewers than anyone
else, but the price could be your freedom, and control over your


reference here:

the above reference also clearly mentions some alternatives that help
encode, publish, and distribute using muft and mukt values,
fileformats, engines, and more.

which ones do you recommend?

i also feel this topic must be raised at 2008


> if you could recommend video-sharing websites that take open
> fileformats (which do you recommend?)
> with open licenses, and data portability...?
> thanks in advance for your responses.
> regards
> niyam
> --
> niyam bhushan

niyam bhushan

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